/* Public Policy For Public Data - An Actionable Guide to Crafting and Enacting Open Data Policy - was created by the Sunlight Foundation, an organization making government transparent and accountable through data, tools, policy and journalism. */ /* TEAM */ Open Data Project Lead: Stephen Larrick Contact: slarrick [at] sunlightfoundation.com Sunlight Foundation: http://sunlightfoundation.com/team/slarrick/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/slarrick GitHub: https://github.com/slarrick Design Advisor: Caitlin Weber Contact: caitlin.weber [at] gmail.com Sunlight Foundation: http://sunlightfoundation.com/team/cweber/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/caitlinweber GitHub: https://github.com/cweber Site: http://www.caitlinweber.com/ Software Developer: J. Albert Bowden II Contact: albert [at] sunlightfoundation.com Sunlight Foundation: http://sunlightfoundation.com/team/abowden/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/jalbertbowdenii GitHub: https://github.com/jalbertbowden Site: http://bowdenweb.com/ /* THANKS */ Name: What Work Cities Contribution: Design Assets URL: http://whatworkscities.bloomberg.org/ Name: Marc Grützmacher Conribution: Right Icon URL: https://thenounproject.com/term/right/182528/ /* SITE */ Last update: 2016/06 Standards: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, GeoJSON, RSS Components: jQuery, jQuery.jFeed.pack, jQuery.getFeed.js, Leaflet.js, Twitter-Post-Fetcher, BrandingBar, SF-Icons Software: Web, Sublime Text, OS X, Firefox, Photoshop, Illustrator, GitHub, Git, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Spreadsheets